Publishers Platform
We are happy to present you our professional user-friendly Publishers software. The platform is designed to be as comfortable as can be, while providing you with all useful tools to allow you run your publisher business successfully.
Pixel Manager
The Pixel Manager allows you place pixels for your campaign and sites. Easy management of multiple pixels.
Banner Ad Rotator
The Banner Ad Rotator is the useful tool to allow you set the most appropriate rotation step for your campaigns.
Web Services/API
Easy management of statistic reports, synchronization of offers and selection of creatives within the existing infrastructure or tracking system.
Global Postback URL
Get a HTTP request for every conversion you make. The global postback URL is customizable with template variables so you can dynamically obtain Campaign ID, Site ID or Sub ID.
Global Country Redirects
The tool to help you design the ultimate campaign, targeting users accurately on country basis.
LOptimizer matches automatically the right landing page to the right traffic to increase conversion rates up to 200%